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SSTS (Small Sewage Treatment System)

ssts dari atostech

SSTS (Small Sewage Treatment System)

The Atostech NASS brand Small Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) is a specially designed sewage treatment system based on an anaerobic septic tank treatment system and equipped with an anaerobically active sludge treatment system in the upper chamber.

The Small Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) was introduced in 2002 by Atostech Fibreglass Sdn Bhd and has been divided into several models namely

  • AN 40 EA2 (max. 50 PE)
  • AN 50 EA2 (max. 60 PE)
  • AN 70 EA2 (max. 80 PE)
  • AN 100 EA2 (max. 100 PE)
  • AN 120 EA2 (max. 120 PE)
  • AN 140 EA2 (max. 149 PE)

This type of tank is vertical and complies with the standards of the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 & Water Services Industry Act 2006 Standard ‘A’ Effluent BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), TSS (Total Suspended Solid), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), Oil and Gray. This type of ‘waste’ is a domestic sewage waste and uses an active sludge solid flow treatment process.

The Small Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) brand “Atostech NASS” has complied with Malaysian Standards (MS2441-2: 2014) and is a brand that has been certified by the Product Certification Scheme conducted by SIRIM (QAS) International Sdn. Bhd. as prescribed by the National Water Services Commission (SPAN).

The Atostech NASS brand Small Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) is used primarily for domestic wastewater treatment for small -scale developments with a capacity of less than 150PE such as residential houses, commercial centers, petrol stations and light industrial areas. Each project proposal and design drawing submission to the Agency IWK Sewerage Certificate is also provided by Atostech Fiberglass Sdn Bhd. Product warranty certificate from the manufacturer will be given by Atostech Fiberglass Sdn Bhd after product delivery is done and product warranty only covers in terms of tank manufacturing only excluding negligence, misuse and non -line installation pre-set installation guide Installation of each system is mandatory with ‘Air Pump blower (1 start & 1 standby) to be supplied by Atostech Fiberglass Sdn Bhd.

For each product approval “Atostech NASS” from SPAN & SIRIM QAS can be obtained through further inquiries from the admin or technical staff at

Jabatan Kerja Raya Perlis

Pada 02 Februari 2023, Pihak Atostech Fibreglass Sdn Bhd (AFSB) telah memberi Taklimat Pengenalan Produk dan Penerangan Rekabentuk Serta Teknikal Tangki Jenama Atostech yang bertempat di Dewan Q, Jabatan Kerja…
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Pengenalan Produk Dan Penerangan Teknikal

TAKLIMAT PENGENALAN PRODUK DAN PENERANGAN TEKNIKAL REKABENTUK TANGKIJENAMA ATOSTECH Pada 31 Januari 2023, Pihak Atostech Fibreglass Sdn Bhd (AFSB) telah memberi TaklimatPengenalan Produk dan Penerangan Teknikal Rekabentuk Tangki Jenama Atostech…
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    Manufacturer and Distributor of FRP Tanks & Sewage Treatment System


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